For those who have a stake in the idea that young black men are being gunned down on a regular basis, the world (finally) has video, lots of videos, to prove the injustice. But what happens when peaceful protests cross the line into violence & property destruction? THAT is what gets people's attention (i.e. front page headlines on the Baltimore Sun). This article questions who got the report right, and yet it seems like the newspapers and the prevailing stereotypes are the ones who will be writing history. Using the word "riot" to describe a few isolated incidents is a cue for those who know about the "Race Riots" of 1967, especially those in Detroit . Note that when sports fans cause destruction, it is only called a "riot" as a joke . Note how this narrative develops. It is easier for the headlines to pick up on the stereotypes, and not the groundbreaking events. 2 opposing gangs unite at the protests? Wha?? Just when the story of #b...
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