Plenty of virtual ink has been spilled about the horrendous treatment of African Americans at the hands of the American police. Those who are supposed to protect and serve will easily kill anyone with non-white skin. This also applies to immigrants, those with accents and those with mental health issues. But African Americans were brought to this country illegally, forced to work, and have never been freed of the social idea that they can never have respect, especially from "authorities". This has been an issue for the past 400 years, but after 2 months of being locked up, America is bursting at the seams in trying to get the attention of the non-leaders, calling for justice for a man who was choked to death on video over a long period of 8 minutes. Earlier in the week was a black man who was birding in Central Park who videotaped a white woman who called 911 on him. She knew to call out race, to say that an African American man was threatening her life-even though she...
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