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Showing posts from December, 2012

Byte Size Pieces of Shock

This is to make a comment about how we handle disasters online.   It's been a bad few months.  Hurricane Sandy, Sandy Hook Shootings and the Mayan Apocalypse. (I'm only putting them in the same category of "internet buzz", rather than according to serious tragedies) The Hurricane had buildup for a few days, maybe a week prior.  During and the tail has been very long, especially the Occupy Sandy piece.  Shootings have a huge "During" moment, and a traumatic few days afterwards.  Then fade. (Sadly or naturally, I'm not about to judge).  And what is essentially a grown-up version of a ghost story by the campfire.  Mayan Apocolypse, end of the world.  Excuse to party.  Now this is a tragedy we can all get behind!  (In a super-cynical, rehearsal-for-thinking-about-our-own mortality sort of way).  And then we will wake up and deal, and forget completely. For decades, television, radio, newspapers and magazines had dictated the cycl...

1998 Lives On!

This is a “What not to do for websites”, mostly in terms of the User Experience. Videoranch I am about to critique a website for a person whom I hold in high esteem.  He is fairly savvy, and is an incredible songwriter.  And he should know better. I have no problem putting up a direct link to his site because his name is essentially buried among the “Brand” he has established.  (“Videoranch”? Is it possible to pick 2 more vague words that don’t describe what you are trying to sell or be?) A VERY weird website. The initial landing page is to “Enter” the site. (1st clue to when it was put up, and how it has not changed since. That's if you enter thru " " ) Something out of the late 1990’s.  Flashing things. Obscure text, white on black. See that flashing motel sign? You have arrived at Videoranch. A few light years ahead... and it's no coincidence that you're here. We've been waiting for you. Videoranch is the authorized and officially reco...

How to Lose a New Customer

So, 2 sales men show up at your door.  They offer the pitch and you accept, why not switch cable companies?  They tell you how smooth the transition will be.  The American Way of Progress.  Right? And then you fall through the cracks. Schedule a date, and then reschedule according to your schedule.  No harm, no foul. Right? Company A, whom you've had for 30 years, switches off the phone line on the original date.  Why?  Because the Cable company declared they were taking over service as of that date.  No follow up phone call from Company A to confirm this.  Nevermind you were told that YOU would have to be the one to call to cancel. Company B, your current service provider (cable, internet and PHONE) is nowhere to be found.  Especially when asked about the PHONE part of the deal. Company C, (the giant conglomerate you have agreed to) can move the date of the new install up.  Leaving your 72 year old mother without home ph...