So if you are one of the estimated 40,000 people who made it to NaNoWriMo's challenge by actually making it to 50,000 words, then CONGRATULATIONS!!
On the Winner's Goodie page, there are a series of promo code that you can enter on various sites. For Kobo, there are 10 titles which you can get for free by entering a text promo code. One problem. After selecting the purchase button, (and getting signed in) you are taken to a page which shows your Billing Address and "Payment Info"
On the Winner's Goodie page, there are a series of promo code that you can enter on various sites. For Kobo, there are 10 titles which you can get for free by entering a text promo code. One problem. After selecting the purchase button, (and getting signed in) you are taken to a page which shows your Billing Address and "Payment Info"
Where do you enter the Promo Code?
It looks like there are ONLY 3 options, Gift Card, Credit Card or Paypal.
There is a "Continue" button at the bottom (not shown) which will offer an error message if you try the following:
- Entering the Promo Code under "Gift Card"
- Skipping Billing Info (even though it doesn't seem to be required)
- Leaving the "Credit Card Info" check but Blank
ONLY if you click Paypal AND fill in your address will it take you to a page where a Promo Code is allowed. The only info you get is:
"You will be redirected to PayPal for account validation after confirming your order on the Order Review page."
Kobo!! Hey, pay attention!! If people are visiting your site for the FIRST TIME and want to use the Promo code, make it EASY for them. Otherwise, they will give up. Or hate you. Either way, your brilliant marketing scheme has just failed with a subset of customers because you made it frustrating!!