I am currently coming up with a list of ideas that we take for granted in everyday society, ideas which are inherently untrue. This is coming up in the world and in this country, the more that a certain Mr. Drumph has media attention. He makes outlandish and untrue statements which are dismissed as "sarcasm" but he accuses his opponent of lies. Quite often, we live in a world which is upside down. Benefits are given to those who least need it, and those who need it most are excluded. This goes for money, but also information. For instance, contractors (who have little to no loyalty to a company) are given the least instruction, are not required to complete any standard training (especially in terms of keeping company secrets). Also, technical requirements, which Usernames and passwords are required for what sites, as well as what sites are acceptable and which are not. (Youtube? Gmail?) And mostly, when I asked to join the women's group and got a broken li...
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