#BLM Art and Former Statues Not only have there been gorgeous murals going up around the world in support of Black Lives Matter, but they are also painting the streets themselves. Black Lives Matter in huge letters, visible from space, or at least from small aircraft. And the statues, ALL the statues seem to be coming down, all the ones which lack compassion. And even the ones of old men, who might be on the good side of history. In these days, it is better to rethink everything. Even those who fought, did they not fight hard enough? Did they do everything and we are still stuck in this world? Would their ghosts be fighting for change, along with the protesters? I imagine the ghosts on the better, more equitable side of history, cheering on the living. All the energy (both living and dead) are contributing to the new world. And even the ghosts with regretful pasts, are changing their minds. Even they can change their minds, even they can f...
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