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The World Has Stopped-Coronavirus

Broadway shut down on March 12 and the rest of NYC and MA on Friday the 13th.  People began hunkering down, schools closed, colleges, businesses. Staying home in quarantine is now the new norm, and it just got extended from Easter, to April 30 to May 4. Some theaters are trying to go online-AEA is stopping some productions bc they don't know how to frame it in a contract.

ALSO-Jericho Hill Forest is going to be torn down (maybe?) I'm trying to fight against it, using every trick I know how to use.  Yesterday, I sent emails to the City Counsel Members-asking if I could walk the trails with them, only one said yes. Indeed, I'm resorting to being NICE-although I can't tell you how much my blood boils when I see how they've already begun destroying things to measure it all.

Henry DThoreau was a surveyor, he felt guilty.

I've started an Instagram: for pictures and am posting on Twitter, Nextdoor and FB.  The ironic thing is that my town has shut down the parks and playgrounds, so these trails are the only open space left to engage with nature. The Forest should be renamed Sanity Park-for keeping everyone's sanity up.  Even the governor yesterday said it was good for people's mental health.

I can't quite describe yet, how beautiful the forest is. How it's like a cathedral, and also a cemetery.  A future cemetery, all the trees and animals about to be taken from the earth.  Its as if the trees are the souls of Waltham, the ones who have come before.  And it is my duty to keep them there, awaiting and vigilant, for the future generations (especially for the very high school students that the area is being given for-to be made into a parking lot)

How all these stories seem so far away-the rainforests of Brazil, the virus in China. And then it comes home. And it changes everything in your life.


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