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Mass Mutual FB and a Huge Creepy Social Media Fail

The creepiest and most heartbreaking thing I've seen on "the Facebook" yet.  An insurance company is trolling for "Likes" by offering some money to a lucky winner who happens to be in debt.  Sounds good, right?  Soliciting ideas may unleash creativity during the campaign as well.

Here's the page.

Here's what they did wrong:

1. They lead with the headline:"WE'RE IN DEEP."

So, Mass Mutual, are you REALLY trying to say that you identify with all the souls out there who are in "Deep Shit"?  (Because that's one way it could be interpreted)  
As one of the millions who have crushing student loans, I'd be very interested in the "we" part of this statement.  How exactly are they involved-AT ALL? Somehow, unless they were bailed out in the last Financial Crisis, I cannot relate.  

2.$1 Trillion Dollars, huh?  Then why are you offering only $20,000.  Oh-wait, they "might reward" you with that money.  If they are in the mood that day.

3.  You want people to "Like" your page, and GIVE an "idea on how you can reduce what you owe".  Hmm, other than working.  Other than paying it back?  What creative answer could they possibly be looking for?  Stealing it? UFO's? Being an upstanding citizen?  Most of the foreseeable choices here are rather limited, in fact.

4. If you spend any time at all speaking to someone who has student debt, it is very likely that they do not have good feelings about it.  The interest rates are high and they carry a burden, even if they cannot find a job.  Some have chosen to drop out because the debt is too crippling for them to dream of finishing (see previous post "Respect for the Bureaucracy").  The stories are heartbreaking for those who have no idea how to navigate the system.

5. The result.  During the first 2 weeks of this campaign, 700 people "like" the comment and 88 have commented. (Not a great result, I'd click "like" on the page myself, just to see how many have liked the PAGE-but I don't want to get my hands dirty) 132 shares-what is the data on people who share links without clicking on them?

6. The status update: "Student Debt is awesome – Said no one. ever. Which is why we’re giving away up to $20,000!"

Is that supposed to incite clever debate?  The writer sounds completely tone-deaf.  Capture a phrase that sounds like something a teenager would say.  Never mind that it might actually enrage some people.

7. Qualitative analysis of the discussion.  It can be broken down into: "I have debt and I'm going to work hard", "I've paid off debt", "debt is awful", "you signed the contract" and "that other person is wrong".  Oh yeah, and other hateful comments towards the post.

8.  The link doesn't quite work, or seem to work. On my laptop, it went to a page outside the internet, then immediately jumped back INTO Facebook.  The first page almost looked as if it had actual information, maybe explaining the premise or links to other pages.  The FB page ONLY had a "Like" button.  (See image above).  Even if you are a teenager, how can you trust a Financial company that doesn't disclose basic info.

9.  Response to someone having trouble with the link.  (They did tag the person)
"We apologize for the difficulty you’ve experienced opening the link. Please note that the tab is only accessible via a desktop/laptop computer, and is not accessible via mobile or tablet devices. Thanks!"

Where did they do their customer research?  How much of their target audience use FB for mobile??  (I'm gonna guess, 75%, or so)

10.  The use of the phrase "up to" is another big clue that indicates a lack of commitment to their own cause.  "might reward you with up to $20,000".  So even if you DO win their vague lottery, you also might get up to $1.  And then they can take a number to the bank; they hit a number of likes and can say they contributed to 20,000 people's debt.



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