Why is it that there are more boys/men in the growing fields of Science/Technology/Engineering/Math fields than women? I know lots of cool (feminine) women who grow into self-confident, self-realized uber-nerds that most of us (men or women) only aspire to be in our wildest dreams. It's a cool life, and frankly should be featured on more reality-shows and celebrity award statuettes. My personal experience is that of commonly being the only woman in a room full of developers. Sometimes there are issues with it, sometimes not. I'm sure there's a lot I miss and a lot I imagine. Some of it has to do with the social ties that encourage team-building in the software development environment. If you are good enough to bring value to the team, you are a welcome addition. As an additional caveat, a UX person sometimes comes in as an unwelcome interloper. Someone who is asking for an extra step, and creating more work for the group. If it's in ...
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